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Муниципальная бюджетная общеобразовательная организация
"Средняя общеобразовательная школа 25 имени 70-летия нефти Татарстана"
г. Альметьевска Республики Татарстан
учитель английского языка первой квалификационной категории
Павлова Ландыш Арслановна

Методическая разработка для 11 класса по теме:
"Урок по теме: "Спорт. Олимпийские игры"
с использованием ЛЕГО обучающего конструктора
"Построй свою историю" и элементами сингапурского метода обучения"

Lesson plan
Theme: "Sport. Olympic games. "
Level: Pre-intermediate - Intermediate
Methods: Lego educational technology and elements of Singapore ways of teaching

Aims: - Reviewing previous vocabulary about topic "Sport" and introducing with new vocabulary
Developing speaking skill about "Sport" (individually, in pair, in group, using Lego educational playset "Story Starter")
Drilling listening skill ( understanding the speech of other students and teachers instructions; working with other students in their group and react their speech properly)
Developing writing skill (basic rules for sport)
Repeating grammar rule (Conditional 1,2)

I. Brainstorm about sport. How many types of sport do you know?

II. Show pictures of some kinds of sport. Name them.

http://www. picsearch. com/Lego-pictures. html
https://ideas. lego. com/projects/42276
http://yandex. ru/images/search?textLego20pictures

III. Introducing with new vocabulary.
1) There are some pieces of paper on teac

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