d) What do you think must you help your mothers or not? Why?
Цель: формировать систему ценности ребенка, социальной ориентации, воспитывать любовь к близким.
T: Our lesson is almost over. Was the lesson interesting? Did you like it? Must we help our families?
Raise one of the "smiling faces" if you liked the lesson!
T: Thank you.
Цель: подвести итоги работы, заинтересовать в
дальнейшем изучении языка.
Pupils write down the words in the pictures. Take the first letter of each word and make up a key-word.
P1, P2:- Help family.
Цель: активизация мыслительной деятельности, памяти, знаний лексического материала.
P1: Yes, I do.
P2: Yes, I made my bed.
P3: Yes, I went shopping.
Цель: практиковать учащихся в работе в коллективе, понимании речи учителя на слух.
Cl: (repeat the sounds after the teacher)
Pupils repeat the verbs.
Цель: развитие зрительной памяти, закрепить алгоритм произнесения звуков и озвучивания окончания глаголов во 2 форме.
Pupils match the right variant in their exercise-books.
Цель: развитие самостоятельности, формирование приемов самоконтроля, развитие зрительной памяти.
P1: Mag did her homework yesterday.
P2: Mag did her homework yesterday. Alex went shopping yesterday.
P3: Mag did her homework yesterday. Alex went shopping yesterday. Alex made his bed yesterday.
P4: Mag did her homework yesterday. Alex went shopping yesterday. Ale
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