School life

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hall speak about school, remember the Past Simple Tense and get acquainted with Nikita, a schoolboy from Kalininsk.
II. Фонетическая зарядка (3 мин. )
Teacher: And now lets practise the English sounds and words. Look at the screen and repeat after me:
Λ Subject, London, fun, discuss
ei favourite, name, same, break
з: learn, first, bird, word
t History, task, Scotland
tς question, picture, French (слайд 2).
III. Речевая разминка (5 мин. )
Teacher: Id like to ask you a question: Do you like to go to school or not? Why?
Natasha, answer, please.
Pupil 1: I like to go to school because its fun.
Teacher: Fine! And you, Roma?
Pupil 2: I like to go to school because I like to study.
Teacher: Excellent! Danil, Do you like to go to school and why?
Pupil 3: I like to go to school because I like to visit my friends.
Teacher: Good. And what about you, Masha?
Pupil 4: I dont like to go to school because its difficult for me to get up early.
Teacher: Well done. (слайд 3).
IV. Активизация лексических единиц по теме "Школа" (5 мин. )
Teacher: So, most of you like to go to school. And now tell me what else do you like to do at school, I mean at the lesson and during the break? Look at the screen, choose the answer you like best and make up a sentence. (Слайд. . . ).
Pupil 1: We learn new words at the lesson.
Pupil 2: We run and jump between the desks during the break.
Pupil 3: We draw funny pictures during the break.
Pupil 4: We ask a lot of questions at the lesson.
Pupil 5: We talk loudly during the break.
Pupil 6: We discuss different problems at the lesson.
Pupil 7: We learn poems by heart at the lesson.
Pupil 8: We read

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