Разговор по телефону: за и против

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ества и недостатки разговора по телефону". (cлайд 7).
Have you got a telephone?
Do you like talking on the telephone?
What do you talk with your friends about on the telephone?
Is it good or bad to have a telephone?

Say what you think about advantages and disadvantages of talking on the phone. Im sure you know about them. Now lets divide into groups and share the ideas.
To communicate with you friends, to relax, to receive useful information, to gossip, to call for an ambulance, to use the internet, to be a good friend for disabled and lonely people, to send short messages to friends. to listen to music, to send a message, to let their people know where they are, as a clock
to play games, to arrange to meet
friends, to buy things

Waste of time, to have no time to do homework (to read, to help parents, to in for sports,
no need to visit friends and relatives, cant see the eyes of the person you are speaking to, etc.
Совместно с учителем делают вывод, какие преимущества и недостатки имеет телефон.
XI. Homework: to write a story "What I think about it"
Your home task will be to prepare short stories about the profits of using the telephone.

XII. Заключительный этап:
Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.
I hope our lesson was useful to you. You learned why telephones are good and why sometimes they are bad. Try to be attentive and careful with this means of communication. Today we have learnt how to call somebody up and how to pronounce the telephone numbers. Youve done your best and thank you for this.
- I was pleased with your work today.
- Unfortunately, its time to finish our lesson. List

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