Разговор по телефону: за и против

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ren: Telephoning

Children: the topic is Telephoning Each Other.

Right, today we shall have a talk about advantages and disadvantages of talking on the telephone.

Now children, who can guess (догадаться) what we shall do today? (слайд2)
III. Фонетическая зарядка.
Zero, one, two, three,
Four and five, I say.
Six, seven, eight and nine,
Now Im twelve-hooray!
Look at the blackboard, please. Lets read these words and divide them into three groups and repeat the sound f.

careful, first, photogrаther, forest, laugh, fire, tough, information, telegraph, telephonе, enough.

IV. Повторение материала, пройденного на прошлом уроке.
At the last lesson we learned how to read telephone numbers.
P1. What is your telephone number, Kate?-Its 89674315590.
(учащиеся в группах узнают номера, а потом докладывают по очереди).
Kates telephone number is 89674315590.

V. Активизация навыков диалогической речи.
T: How do you say your name when you talking on the telephone?
How do you ask to speak to someone?
How do you leave a message? (слайд 3)
Work in pairs. Read the situations and dramatize the dialogues. Use these phrases.
1. Your elder brother Steve is playing computer games in his room. His friend phones him. Ask Steve to speak to his friend.
2. Your sister Ann is playing tennis at school. Take a phone message from her friend.
3. You are at your friends party. Phone home and tell your mother that youll come home later.
4. Your brother Nick is playing football at school. Take a phone message from his friend.
VI. Физкультминутка .
I see you are tired. Lets sing and do the actions. (слайд 4)
VII. Закрепление навыко

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