Путешествие по Уэльсу

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ith England in 1536, Welsh was banned and it declined rapidly. Until the 1960s, Welsh was not taught in schools and English was the only official language. A few years ago, only 500000 out of a population of nearly three million spoke Welsh and some people thought that the language was dying out. However, now it is growing again. Welsh is used in government, there is a Welsh TV station and it is now taught in nearly all schools.
(Ответы обучающихся)
Teacher. Can you suppose what is the topic of our lesson?
Pupils answer. Its Wales.
Pupils answer. Travelling to Wales.
Pupils answer. We suppose, the topic of our lesson is Traveling to Wales
Teacher. Yes, you are absolutely right! And, now lets train the text about travelling to Wales. Answer the following questions:
1)What countries are Welsh spoken in?
2)When was Welsh banned?
3)How many people speak Welsh now?
4)How wide are Welsh used in Wales nowadays?
Pupils answer.
1) There are two Welsh spoken countries: Wales and Patagonia in the south of Argentina.
2) It was banned after the unification of Wales with England in 1536.
3) Nearly three million people speak Welsh now.
4) Now, its growing again and welsh is used in government, there is a Welsh TV station and I is now taught in nearly all schools.
IV. Актуализация знаний по страноведению «Великобритания» и грамматическому материалу по употреблению артиклей и неопределенных местоимений.
Teacher. And now I advise you to work in groups and to do the first task of your cards.
(Учащиеся выполняют первое задание своего индивидуального маршрута)
Teacher. You should listen to the text again and fill the missed information in the cards. That group which finishes the task the first will be the

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