Путешествие и транспорт. Путешествие поездом

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дъявляет познавательную учебную задачу: перевести предложения, придерживаясь правил уже знакомой детям игры.
T: Now lets have a rest and play a pan game. I have got some sentences for the translation.
Я бы хотел билет до Ливерпуля.
Вы бы хотели билет в одну сторону или туда и обратно?
Мне нужно быть в Лондоне в 7 часов утра.
Ты когда-нибудь покупал билет на поезд?
P: I would like to buy a ticket to Liverpool.
Would you like single or return?
I need to be in London at 7 oclock in the morning.
Have you ever bought tickets for a train?
Предъявляет коммуникативную задачу: используя опорные схемы и раздаточный материал составить свой
собственный диалог, используя данную речевую ситуацию и образец. (Приложение 3,4,5. )
T: Now its time to buy a train ticket, our guide is waiting for us! But we have got one more problem: there are no through trains to Stratford! We should make stops and change the train. Here are maps for you with two variants of our trips. Repeat after me the names of these stops: Redditch, Alcester. Your task is to choose one of them and make up the dialogues using the map? The timetable and the chart. You have got some minutes to discuss your dialogues with your partner. Is everything clear?
Im ready for the listening!
Well done! We Have already bought the tickets! Lets go!
We are in Stratford –upon- Avon.
Look at the board! Weve done it!
Задание на дом.
Предъявляет дифференцированное д/з.
Open your record books and write doen your home task. Your home task is to write our dialogues (two variants) into your exercise books – and you will get 4. But if you would like to get 5 you should choose the names Russian towns or cities you would like to visit and put them into your d

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