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Сабақ жоспары Сынып Күні
2 C
Сабақтың тақырыбы: Comparatives and superlatives
Сабақтың мақсаты:

Grammar: comparatives and superlatives
Speaking : comparing films, asking and answering questions superlatives
Ұйымдастыру: -Inform the class of the lesson objectives
-Brainstorm the names of famous Hollywood actors with class. Ask which of them students like or dislike and Finally elicit what students know and think about Tom Hanks
Негізгі кезең: Exercise 1 page 16
Ask students to try to correct the sentences on their own then check with the text. Allow 2-3 minutes.
Focus fast finishers on the photo of Tom Hanks. Now many sentences can they say about it?
Check answers , then elicit what students learned about actor from the text and the photo.
1 Tom Hanks is one of the richest actors in Hollywood
2 Youve Got Mail was one the biggest comedies of 1994
3 Tom Hanks isnt the most attractive actor in Hollywood
Exercise 2 page 35
:: Focus students on the table

1 the richest
4 more entertaining
2 the biggest
5 the most attractive
3 funnier
6 the best

In a stronger class, elicit how forms are made. Ask students to complete the table on their own , then check with the text. In weaker class, reverse the procedure. Students copy the forms the text into the table. Elicit the rules.
Exercise 3 page 35
::Read and categories in the table out to class and elicit which expression frpm the box matches each category.
:: Students can work in pairs for 4 minutes. In a weaker class ask them to write one sentence for each of the six categories. In a stronger class , students use all seven expression from the box.

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