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міська гуманітарна гімназія 23
науково-методична кафедра іноземних мов

the 6th form

by A. A. Baginska
Form: 6 G
The Subject: Professions
The Objectives: to develop listening and speaking skills on the topic;
to compare English and Ukrainian proverbs and sayings on the topic;
to reinforce the vocabulary on the topic;
to enrich the pupils vocabulary;
to teach the pupils to respect folk wisdom reflected in proverbs and sayings.

The Procedure
I. Greetings:
1. Warming up:
oo How are you doing?
oo Why? Whats the matter?
oo Maybe its because of the weather?
2. Complimenting:
oo You look great today! - So do you!
oo You are fantastic in your new suit! - Thank you!
oo Your hairdo suits you very much! - Thanks, you are very kind!
3. Introducing the topic:
Today the topic of our lesson is "Profession".

II. Phonetical and lexical drills:
1. Profession Chant: To begin with lets recite our "Profession Chant".
Girls ask questions, boys answer.
Are you going to be a driver?
No, I am not.
Are you going to be a singer?
No, I am not.
Do you want to be a pilot?
No, I am not. Im dreaming of becoming an astronaut.
2. Answering the question of the chant:
What are you dreaming of? - I am dreaming of becoming a . . . because I like to . . .
3. The motto of our todays lesson is:
Where there is a will, there is a way.
oo What sounds are introduced by the letters wh, w? th?
oo Lets practice these sounds.
oo Lets practice the whole proverb together.
oo Say the same using the following words:
can/you/ everything/ i

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