Предлоги места и времени

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LESSON: Where is it? (prepositions- on, in, under, next to, in front of, behind )
Teacher name
Class: 1
Number present:
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to
1. L3 recognise with support common names and names of places recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words
1. S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly
1. UE14 use basic prepositions of location and position e. g. in, at, next to, near, on, to describe where people and things are;
Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to:

listen and repeat words correctly
understand teachers questions
Most learners will be able to:
recognise and name some words
Some learners will be able to:
recognise and name all the words
recognise and apply the prepositions in, on, under, near, next to to describe where things are;
apply previously learned vocabulary to create phrases and sentences.
Success criteria
Given oral or visual prompts and after sufficient rehearsal, all learners will succeed if they accomplish at least 80 of the objectives detailed above.
Value links
Good citizenship and positive behavior
Language focus
prepositions- on, in, under, next to, in front of, behind
Target vocabulary

Previous learning
I wake up. I wash my face. I brush my teeth. I eat breakfast. I go to school
Planned timings
Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)
5 minutes

10 minutes
1. Hello, how are you?
2. Review My/His/Her name is. . .
3. Teacher will invite Ss to stand in a

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