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circle and to greet each other.

Greetings song

10 min

1. Play "Show it right" . Teacher intentionally tries to confuse children by showing them wrong moves.
2. Play "Where Is / Where Are" Take out a pen and elicit the word. Have everyone close their eyes. Hide the pen somewhere in the classroom (e. g. inside a book).

2. Santa, Santa Where are you song.
In, On, Next to song
In, On, Under Song
Practice the prepositions Put students in pairs and give each pair a box and toy - or anything which can be used to practice the prepositions.
https://www. youtube

Prepositions of place flashcards

Practice the prepositions Put students in pairs and give each pair a box and toy - or anything which can be used to practice the prepositions.

Additional information
Differentiation - how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners will be
Create mixed ability pairs

Assessment - how are you planning to check learners learning?
through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities
through observation in pair & group work
through formative assessment
Health and safety checkICT linksMusic

Fact-based observation
Careful movement around the room
Boy-girl-boy-girl arrangement within sitting and standing circles to encourage positive behaviours like keeping hands to self.
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson

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