Поурочное планирование по УМК Ю. Е. Ваулиной, Д. Дули

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ходимо прочитать весь текст (самопроверка). Учащиеся работают самостоятельно.
Ключи: A Sweet Sixteen is a type of birthday party. 1 B 2 C 3D 4 A 5 A 6 B 7 C
Предполагаемый ответ:
A celebration I enjoyed a lot was my parents 25th wedding anniversary. My sister and I wanted to do something really special for their silver anniversary, so we threw them a surprise party. We sent out the invitations a month in advance and booked their favourite restaurant for the celebration. When the big day arrived, we told them that we felt like going out for dinner and fortunately they agreed. When Mum and Dad walked into the restaurant, everyone screamed "Surprise"! The look on their faces was amazing. They were speechless! All their friends and family had gathered together to cele -
brate the joyful event. The party was a huge suc - cess. We danced all night and took lots of pho - tos for their anniversary album. Mum and Dad even got to see out-of-town relatives they hadnt seen in years. We had a great time and our par - ents had an unforgettable night. We all felt excited and really happy.
Упр. 6, с. 17 Ключи:
Defining: 1 which; 2 who; 3 which; Non-defin - ing: 1 whose; 2 when; 3 where; 4 who; In the defining sentences, who can be omitted in sen -
tence 2 and which can be omitted in sentence 3.
Учащиеся ещё раз читают сложно-подчинённые предложения из упр. 6а и определяют, какие придаточные предложения можно опустить без изменения значения главного предложения (non-defining relative clauses). Проверьте ответы. Ключи:
non-defining clauses: 1 whose brother is an actor 2 when Halloween takes place 3 where La Tomatina is held every year 4 who is Muslim
Упр. 7, с. 17 Напомните учащимся об обособлении огра - ничительных придаточных оп

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