erfect Continuous - for an action which started some time in the past and has a visible result in the present) B: have been digging (Present Perfect Continuous - for an action which started in the past and con - tinuous up to the present, with emphasis on the duration)
A: are you smelling (stative verb in Present Continuous meaning are you sniffing)
B: smells (stative verb in Present Simple meaning it has a smell) reminds (stative verb in Present Simple meaning makes me remember)
Упр. 3, с. 14 Ключи:
1 a) looks ( appears), b) is looking ( is direct - ing her eyes); 2 a) tastes ( has a delicious flavour), b) is tasting ( is testing the flavour of); 3 a) feels ( has the texture of), b) is feeling ( is experiencing); 4 a) thinks ( has the opin - ion of), b) is thinking ( is considering); 5 a) has ( owns/possess sth), is having ( is holding)
Упр. 4, с. 14 Ключи:
1 do you have; 2 do you go; 3 do you go; 4 do you do; 5 do you go; 6 do you go; 7 do you have; 8 do you have; 9 do you do; 10 do you go
Предполагаемый ответ:
A: How often do you go out with friends?
B: I usually go out with my friends at the week - end.
A: How often do you go shopping?
B: I seldom go shopping only when I need some - thing.
A: How often do you do the washing-up?
B: I always do the washing-up, every night after dinner.
A: How often do you go out for a meal?
B: I sometimes go out for a meal to celebrate a special occasion. Etc.
Упр. 5, с. 15В сообщениях после выполнения диалогов уча - щиеся также интенсивно используют формы Present Perfect и наречия частотности. Предполагаемый ответ:
A: Have you ever slept outdoors?
B: Yes, I have because this summer I went camp - ing. Have you ever been to a fancy dress party? A: Yes, I have.
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