T: -Now, please, listen to the tape and find out if you were right.
Учащиеся слушают аудиозапись упражнения 44 на странице 104 и проверяют свои ответы (аудиозапись, слайд 4).
T: -If you look through your answers, change your sheets of paper and check them.
Учащиеся обмениваются работами и проверяют их.
T: -Students, lets read your sentences.
P1: -Christmas, St. Valentines Day, Australia Day are celebrated in Australia.
P2: -Christmas St. Valentines Day, Independence Day are celebrated in America.
P3:-Christmas, St. Valentines Day are celebrated in the UK.
P4: -Christmas, St. Valentines Day, Canada Day are celebrated in Canada.
P5: -St. Valentines Day, Victory Day, Independence Day, Christmas are celebrated in Russia.
P6: -Christmas, St. Valentines Day, Waitangi Day are celebrated in New Zealand.
T: -OK. But today we are going to speak about Christmas in Russia.
T: -Do you know when it is celebrated?
P: -As I know Christmas is celebrated on January 7th.
T: -You are quite right.
3. Фонетическая зарядка - 3 мин.
T: -Lets continue our work with doing a phonetic drill. Read the words. Find the same words in Russian.
Christmas Пасха
New Years Day Приглашение
Greeting cards Новый Год
Gifts Подарки
Invitation Поздравительные открытки
Tradition Рождество
Easter Традиция
Stocking Рождественская елка
Christmas Tree Чулок
Ученики читают слова и находят русские эквиваленты (слайд 5)
T: - Children, will you read out the words with the sound e, s, t, m?
Учащиеся читают слова из упражнения на эти звуки
T: -Lets make up your own sentences with these words.
Учащиеся составляют свои предложения.
P1: -New Years Day is on January 1st, but peopl
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