People in the family

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and translate. Thank you very much. Now, look at the screen, lets choose True or False. Учащиеся читают, переводят текст, выполняют задание True or False7
Введение нового лексического материала, его отработкаВвести новый лексический материал по теме Семья путем наглядного метода Pupils, Scotty is puppy and Tim is child. How to say it in English, look at the screen. Now, open the book on the page 35, ex. 4, lets do it. Учащиеся знакомятся с новой лексикой, отрабатывают ее в упражнении5
3. Заключительный этап
Итог урока. Рефлексия и выставление оценок. Our lesson is over. I hope that you have known a lot of information. Your home task will be to learn words by heart
Read, translate the text on the page 36, exercise 6
Puzzle time on the page 37
Do some exercises on the sheets of paper
And now I want you to share your thoughts about our lesson. What did we learn new today? It was clear for you? If no, why?
Use the scheme to say it.
Today I give excellent marks to…. for being active….
I give four to…. .
Stand up. Good bye, students. You may be free. Объяснение домашнего задания
Проводят рефлексию, получают оценки

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