Past Simple Tense

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st Simple). The task is to match the verbs. Then groups read these verbs and try to show their meanings in different movements.
T asks Ss to open their books and have a look at the pictures. On the pictures they can see children in different clothes and with some different objects. Ss work in pairs and try to predict where the children went and what they did last weekends.
Ss speak about their predictions. T helps them to elicit the necessary vocabulary.

Ss listen to the recording and check their guesses.

Then T hands out some printed sentences with gaps and asks Ss to listen to and try to fill in the missing words. Ss listen again and try to complete the task individually.
After that, they work in pairs and compare their results with each other. Then listen to the recording again and read the sentences aloud.
The next task is to listen to the ending of the text and choose the best answer (multiple choice). Ss work individually and then check in groups of three and listen again.

Ss work in groups of four and make up a plan of a story about last weekends (according to the text they listened to) and then make up their own story about a girl or a boy given in the book using the verbs in Past Simple from the recording. Then they read their stories in turn.

Ss speak about their own last weekends (what they did, where they went and so on) using the plan they made in groups. And while one S is speaking, others try to fill in the table with the necessary information about their classmates (places, people, food, emotion).

T offers Ss to fill in the reflexion form: Now I can

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