Past Simple Tense

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urage Ss to reflect on their own experience by using some pictures and a model)

Pre-listening activity
Aim - to prepare Ss to listening;
To elicit the verbs and activate the necessary vocabulary


a) listening for gist
Aim - to check predictions and practice listening for gist

b) listening for specific information
Aim - to practice listening for specific information

c) open class feedback
Aim - to apply Ss knowledge and practice making up short stories with the help of an example

Follow-up activities (post listening)
Aim - to practice speaking and develop peer observation


T comes into the class and says: "I have a secret for you. Do you want to know about it? But as its a secret, I cant say it loudly, so I will say it in whisper to only one of you. And then I ask you to pass it in the same way to each other".
T whispers a short sentence (I went to the cinema yesterday) to one of the Ss and then Ss pass the secret. When all the Ss know it, the T asks the last one to go to the blackboard and write the sentence.
Then T shows some places on the interactive board, asks the names of these places and elicits the vocabulary if necessary. The Ss task is to make up sentences about themselves: "I went . . . . . yesterday".

T encourages Ss to remember some other regular and irregular verbs and the Past Simple Tense. So, first of all, they complete an exercise in the Students Book and then work in groups of three. T gives each group an envelope with some verbs in two forms(infinitive and Pa

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