our planet Earth

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add bad breath to the atmosphere. Sometimes it is difficult to breath, especially in a hot summer day.
Many people burn rubbish or autumn leaves. It poisons the air too.
The forests help to control the worlds weather and to produce much of the oxygen in the air. But people cut a lot of trees.
The climate of our region is dry; and every spring, summer and autumn the most of forests are in fire. Of course, the reason is man. It is awful! Trees, plants, animals and birds are in danger and may disappear.
Another serious environmental problem in our town is water pollution. People pollute water. They wash their bicycles and cars in our rivers. They pollute water when they wash carpets in rivers.
Litter on the ground makes the town look ugly. Some people find it easier to drop a paper a wrapper or a cigarette than to look for a garbage can for it. Empty bottles and cans are everywhere: on the banks of the rivers, under the trees, near our houses and on the roads. They go under our feet.

5 minutes
oo So, what have you learned from the lesson?
oo Was it difficult or easy for you?
5 minutes
At finally Id like to thank you for you participation in our lesson, our discussion. Today you were very active and I hope that the theme of our lesson was interesting and useful for you. Id like to know your opinion about the lesson.
Your marks for the lesson are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Your home task will be to make your own school timetable
See you tomorrow. All the best!

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