Официальное и неофициальное приветствие

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l Gates is one in the most
successful managers of the world.
AsBritish Prime Minister you live and work in Number 10,
Downing Street.
He was appointedchief economist at the Bank of England in 1998.
He was madecaptain of the national soccer team.
Richard Burton was considered to beexcellent actor. He was
nominatedBest Actor in 1969.
He went to the fancy dress party dressed as policeman
2) "Подходящие восклицания на разные случаи". Вставьте, где нужно, неопределенный артикль.
What . .
. . beautiful morning!
. . . . fool Ive been!
What. .
. . luck!
. . . . man!
What . .
. . terrible weather!
. . . . good idea!
What. .
. . rotten luck!
. . . . beautiful scenery!
What. .
. . fantastic view!
. . . . genius he is!
А теперь употребите восклицания в подходящих сценах.
We thought wed missed the plane because our train to the airport was thirty minutes late. But our plane was delayed one hour because of bad weather conditions. We all said: What Juck!
He broke his arm on the first day of his holiday. All his friends said:
When I got up at 7 oclock I opened the- window. The sun was shining
and the sky was blue. I said:
The mountaineers had reached the peal-c and were admiring the
Breath-taxingly beautiful mountain range. They could see a long way. They exclaimed:
Then unfortunately it started pouring with rain.
They said:
I decided not to marry him because he did not have enough money.
Today hes a millionaire. Serves me right it. . .
Two years ago John had a great idea for a new type of dishwasher.
Last year he invented a novel type of lawnmower. He is s

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