Официальное и неофициальное приветствие

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/ велосипеде / самолете / поезде /метро /лодке / и т. д.
С двойными выражениями:
with knife andfork -- с ножом и вилкой
arm in arm -- под руку
with hat and coat -- в шляпе и пальто
hand in hand -- за руки
from top to bottom -- с верху до низу
side by side -- рядом
on land and sea -- на море и на суше
day by day -- день за днём
father and mother -- папа и мама
step by step -- шаг за шагом
В выражениях со словами:
this month / week /year / spring / morning / evening / afternoon; last month / week /year / spring / morning / evening / afternoon, next month / week /year / spring / morning / evening / afternoon, to/at sea -- на / в море at /from home -- дома / из дома
to/in /from town -- в городе / в город / из города
go /leave home -- ехать домой / уезжать из дома
on foot -- пешком
on television -- по телевизору
Неопределенный артикль
1)а или ап!
The price for petrol is five dollars a gallon. That is too much. What rip-off!
Youre allowed to drive through these villages at 10 kilometreshour.
Thatsrather slow pace, isnt it?
Whatbeautiful summers day! It ispity that I have to work.
Id much rather go forwalk.
I go to the dentists at least ten timesyear. He is such
handsome young man. Thats why.
Takeseat, please. You might have to wait for halfhour.
I have suchheadache. I think Ill takeaspirin.
HesEnglishman. He hasstrange sense of humour and is
slightly eccentric.
2) Вставьте неопределенный артикль, где это необходимо.
Mr Smith is a leading local businessman. Last month he was elected President of the Greenwich Golf Club for the third time.
My parents are lawyers, but I dont want to belawyer.
AsChairman of Microsoft Inc. , Bil

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