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Never judge a book by its cover. "
Pupils lift their hands and answer.

Teacher: OK. Good. Now look at the blackboard again. You see the factors that are important for teenagers when they buy clothes. Which of them were mentioned in the dialogue? (слайд 7)
-- price;
-- comfort;
-- fashion in your class (group);
-- fashion magazines;
-- adverts on TV;
-- parents advice
-- friends advice;
--other peoples style;
-- individuality;
-- status
Pupils lift their hands and answer.
Teacher: Well done. And the next task. Match the words with their definitions. (слайд 8)
1. Something you buy really cheaply.
2. Somebody who thinks that he is better than other people.
3. Something unusual.
4. Something that OK for the situation.
5. When shops reduce their prices.
6. Comfortable clothes that you wear in informal situations.
7. Expensive and elegant clothes.
a) snob;
b) bargain;
c) suitable;
d) original;
e) in the sales;
f) casual clothes;
g) fancy clothes
Pupils lift their hands and answer.
Teacher: Well done. Now the next task. You see on the blackboard some sentences. you should fill in the gaps with the words "last" or "latest". Write your sentences in your copy books. Ill check them later.
(слайд 9)
1. When did you see him . . . ?
2. I couldnt hear the . . . news.
3. I didnt forget our. . . conversation.
4. This dress is the . . . fashion.
5. Have you read the . . . book by Marinina?
6. It was the . . . train for today. There wont be any more trains until tomorrow.

Pupils do the task and give their copy books to the teacher.

Teacher: Good.

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