Написание личного письма в формате ЕГЭ по английскому языку

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formation in your textbooks, page 42.
Write down new phrases. Work in groups.
The 1st group - for Introduction. The 2nd group - for Main body of the letter.
The 3d group – for Closing.
(Приложение 6)
( Слайды 11, 12)
V. Информация о домашнем задании, инструкция по его выполнению.
Do you remember the words at the end of the song?
Letters…. For some people they are just sheets of paper, but for others they are part of their life. ( Слайд 13)
What about your part of life called happy childhood? Was it really happy? Your school years are coming to an end. What feelings do you have? What is there in your mind?
(Well never forget our school, our teachers and school friends)
You are part of my life, hardworking, creative, so kind boys and girls. I wrote a letter to each of you. I would like you to write me your letters about school years according to rules of writing letters. You may ask me any questions you like. Ill try to answer your letters.
VI. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия.
(Приём «Синквейн» или «Пятистишье»)
( Слайд 14)
Try to make up a sinkwein on the topic of our lesson. Work in groups.
Informal, private
To get a letter, to read a letter, to send a letter
Letters are part of peoples life.
Read your sinkweins.
Take the cards and continue the sentences:
-The lesson was….
My work was….
- I felt myself….
Ive learnt … information.
Thank you very much for your work. (Слайд 15)
Приложение 1
HYPERLINK "http://teksty-pesenok. ru/r-kelly/" R. Kelly - Love Letter (lyrics)
Did you get my card?
Did you read my love letter?
Did it touch your heart?
When you read my love lette

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