My Family

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My Family
Level: Elementary (6th form)
Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing.
Language Focus: Family Vocabulary.
Combine with: Enjoy English, 5-6 form, M. Z. Biboletova, 2012.
Approximate Time: 45 minutes.
Materials: 1. a computer presentation;
2. a set of cards with tasks;
3. pictures about family.
I. Brainstorming:
T: Good morning, students! Sit down, please! Im glad to see you! How are you? Im fine, thank you! Who is on duty today? Who is absent?
If you are ready, lets start our lesson. So, students, look at this picture (Слайд 2).
II. Lexical exercises:
1). Целеполагание ( темы урока)
How do you think, what well talk about? What is our topic today? You are right well speak about family today (уч-ся называют слова по т. « Семья», учитель записывает их на доске).
daughter Grandmother grandfather wife

parents niece
Выполнение задания на закрепление лексики по теме «Семья»
1). T: Lets review our words, open your books at page 123, ex. 2, listen and repeat. (уч-ся повторяют слова за диктором, читают самостоятельно).
2). T: And now give me your examples with these words (Sts. : I have a family. I love my mother).
3). Give the opposites: (Слайд 3).
0) A father – (a mother)
Look at the words and guess the task! Now do it yourselves!
1) a sister – (a brother)
2) an uncle – (an aunt)
3) a nephew – ( a niece)
4) a son – (a daughter)
5) a grandfather – (a grandmother)
6) a husband – ( a wife)
4). Join the Parts of the Words!( Задание на распознавание лексических единиц) (Слайд 4).
Задание на доске:



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