ou can remember. Well done! I see you know them very well, but do you remember how these words spell. TAKE THE ORANGE SHEETS OF PAPER. You can see there arent letters in these words fill in, please. Youve got only 1 minute:
Nece, ant, nphw, wfe, uncle, brther, grndmther, cusin, grndfther, dughter, sster, chldrn, prents, mle, fmle.
Time is up. Changer your sheets of paper. Lets check up the spelling of the words. Put the marks to each other.
If you ve got 2 mistakes, your mark is V. Good.
4 mistakes - Good.
6 mistakes - Sat.
More than 6 mistakes - Unsat,unfortunarely.
3 . (слайд 4)
In the list of the family members there are two last words: male and female. What do they mean?
Give me the English equivalents (MAN& WOMAN). NOW TAKE THE GREEN SHEETS OF PAPER. You can see some words- relatives. Write them in the table, please. You ve got only 1 minute:
Who of these relatives are. . . .
1 minute is up. Self- check.
4 . (слайд 5)
Lets listen some people. They are talking about their families. TAKE THE WHITE SHEETS OF PAPER WITH 6 PICTURES OF THE FAMILIES.
Listening 1. (Instructions)
1. Well listen to these people twice.
2. Look at the photos carefully.
3. Answer some question, please.
4. Count how many relatives are there on the photo?
5. Is it a big or a small family?
6. How many people are there in the traditional family?
7. Who are they?
8. Who is older and who is younger?
9. Read the words above the photos.
10. Be very attentive!
11. Are you ready to listen to the recording?
LISTENING 1 - 1. 40 0. 15 1. 40 3. 40
The right answers on the screen.
5. (слайд 6) Now its time to talk about your families.
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