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The world has become a global village. Keeping this in mind, one can understand that different societies with their respective cultures have come in contact with the other societies. Culture of a society represents its norms, traditions, laws, taboo, and especially its language. In a multicultural society different languages come into contact giving rise to strange and interesting phenomena. A sociolinguist (one who studies the relationship between language and society) gets the chance to study these phenomena.
Diglossia is a phenomenon which arises when a speaker or a community use two varieties of a language, one of these two languages is a HIGH language (H), the other is LOW language (L). H language is regarded as prestigious, it is thought by the speakers to be above the L language. It is used in speeches, sermons, and formal conversations. L language is not considered prestigious. It is the colloquial language of the majority who use it in their everyday life in informal contexts. The speakers of L language are aware of the fact that their language is not regarded as prestigious giving them the reason to learn H language. The speakers of the H language do not want themselves to be associated with L language as it is shameful for them. Although it is a fact that the speakers of the H language had to learn it first, for H language can only be learned, it is not a native language. They deny any relationship with L language.
A diglossic situation exists in a society when it has two distinct languages or varieties of a language which show clear functional separation; that is, one code is employed in one set of circumstances and the other in an entirely different set.
There are four language situations which show the major characteristics of the d

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