ures monohybrid digibridge crossing, the essence of the law of independent inheritance of traits as a method of studying heredity. Solve problems.
Создание условий для формирования у учащихся знаний об особенностях моногибридного и дигибридного скрещивания, сущности закона независимого наследования признаков, как метода изучения наследственности. Решение задач
Success criteria
Критерий успеха
Скопируйте критерии успеха из руководства по оценке для учителей по формирующему оцениванию (FA) для выбранного ОС.
Создайте собственные критерии успеха для ОС, не выбранной для ОС.
- continue to develop skills in solving genetic problems, the use of genetic symbols;
- develop the ability and skills of independent work with the textbook, in groups, tests;
- to contribute to the formation of scientific worldview and cognitive interest in the subject;
- to promote the development of communicative culture, the ability to reflect the results of their activities orally or in writing;
- continue, through the resolution of simple life tasks and examples, to create conditions for the development of logical thinking.
- to contribute to the formation of students ability to Express their opinions, analyze the responses and opinions of others in the course of joint work;
- ability to link new information with already studied material;
-increase of motivation of educational activity (it is interesting, important to me);
- promote the choice of future profession (grower, breeder, breeder);
- justification of the need for the studied material in everyday life, practical application.
-продолжить развитие навыков решения генетических задач, использования генетической символики;
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