Love rules over the world

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Love rules over the world
Цели: Познакомить с творчеством знаменитых Британских поэтов и
их вкладом в мировую культуру.
Совершенствование навыков устной речи.
Воспитание уважения к культуре другой страны.
Оборудование: мультимедийная презентация, проигрыватель, пластинка.
T: Good morning, dear friends! I invite you to our literary party, which is devoted to the creative work of outstanding British poets: Robert Burns, George Byron and William Shakespeare.
I think through the poetry well become a little bit closer to British culture today.
The common theme connects the works of these poets. And this theme is Love. Love to native land, nature and of course love to a woman. The theme of our lesson is called: Love rules over the world
Love is responsible for harmony, which we try to maintain at all costs, for harmony implies living in peace and agreement. Harmony implies wholeness, for love breeds love. Hate implies division, for hate breeds hate.
(ученик читает декламирует стих-е)
T: Marshak, Levik, Pasternak and other Russian poets translated the poems of British poets, their skill helps us to understand British poetry better.
P2 – translation of the poem
T: Now,one of our student will read her own translation of Burns poem…A red red , rose.
P3 - translation.
Слайды на экране
P4 - Robert Burns, the Scottish national pride and a world famous poet, lived at the end of the 18 th century when Scotland lost its independence, its parliament, even its language, Robert Burns loved his country dearly. Love for Scotland, for the Scottish people and the Scottish language is the main theme of his poems.
P5 – My Hearts in the Highland.
P6 – Translation of the poem
P4 – Burns is

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