Love rules over the world

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M. A. Chaworth, but the girl didnt like Byron. Byron could not so easily forget her and that love gave a sad colouring to all his future life. In the poem Dream the poet speaks about his love.
P12 –And both were young, and one was beautiful (Poem)
И оба были юны, но моложе (translation)
P13 – She walks in beauty(poem)
Она идет во все красе(translation)
P14 – When we two parted(poem)
P7 – Byrons temperament and his sense of wonder made him a poet who electrified his age.

Fspent first ten years of his life in Scotland. He was fond of the rocky coast and mountains of the country. His love of natural scenery was reflected in many of his poems

P15 – I would I were a careless child…(poem)
P16 - Хочу я быть ребенком вольным…(translation)
P17 – Биография Шекспира
P18 – Sonnet XVI Let me not to the marriage of true minds
P19 – Sonnet 90 Then hate me when thou will: if ever now
P20 – Уж если ты разлюбишь, - так теперь (translation)
T: Thank you, boys and girls for your recitingof some poems and songs of British poets by heart. Did you like them?
Now I would like you to compare and analyze some lines from poems. I think (the) theme of love to a woman is typical for all of them. What about love to native land, nature? Whose poems are close in theme? Will you name them?
P: Burns and Byrons
P: My Hearts in the Highland
P: I would I were a careless child.
T: Will you remember some lines from these poems, which show the poets love to nature (native land).
P: Still dwelling in my Highland cave—И снова жить в горах родных…
P: My heart in the Highland – В горах мое сердце, Доныне я там.
T: Can you remember Russian poets, who also loved mountains and wr

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