Контрольные работы по английскому языку 7-9 класс

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. How many people speak English?
F. Why do people learn English?
1. English is the main language in 30 countries, and there about 350 million people who speak it as their first language. It is also used as an official language in more than 70 other countries such as India, Pakistan, Malaysia, and is the second language for about 350 million people. One in two Europeans can speak English quite well and can have a proper conversation. All in all, there are about 1 billion people who cant speak English, but they are learning it!
2. Its the top language for travel and tourism, and is used in business and science. At the moment. 80 per cent of the worlds Internet sites are in English, but this will fall when more countries start their own language. Today English is a truly global language, because it belongs to everyone.
3. There are 300000 entries in the Oxford English Dictionary. However, there are many scientific and technical words that are not in dictionary, for example, the types of insects and flowers. An educated English speaker only uses about 30000 words. International communication has also created specialized English of different professions. New words are added to the language when they are needed.
4. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, it is the name for a lung disease caused by breathing in dangerous dust and is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis. Of course we dont use it in ordinary life.
5. The letter e is used more than any other. Ernest Wright was very interested in this fact, and wanted to see if it is possible to communicate without using this letter at all. He wasnt able to write very much. He wrote a 200-page novel, but it was not a great success.
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