Контрольные работы по английскому языку 7-9 класс

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the Thames, was a small settlement named Llyndin. To this place, in the year 55 BC Caesar (1).
At first the Romans were driven out by the Britons but they came back again. Britain was conquered and for 400 years (2). Llyndin became Londinium. The Romans made Londinium a large rich city with good streets, beautiful palaces, shops and villas. In the 5th century the Romans (3). Other invaders came to the British shores. The Saxons and the Danes rushed to Londinium, (4). During nearly 400 years Londinium lay in ruins,grass grew (5), wild beasts walked on the good Roman roads.
In the 9th century and later the Saxon kings began to rebuilt the ruined city of Londinium. In 1066 came William the Conqueror. He settled in Londinium which now became London- the capital of Norman Britain. For 500 years the Normans (6). They brought with them Latin and French civilization, the learning, the laws and the organization of the land.
left Britain
were masters of Britain
came from Rome
went everywhere about the country building new palaces, churches and cathedrals.
conquered the land and ruined the city
remained a Roman province
where the beautiful buildings had been before
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B13They study French and …. at school. RUSSIA
B14The National Gallery is visited by lots of…TOUR
B15He is a …. . business. SUC

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