Human health

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, the more . . . the more . . . , as, as . . . as . . . , so . . . as . . .
She did it exactly as he told her. It is not so easy as you think. He was tired as if he had not slept for many nights.
-- " -- условия
if, unless
If it is late we must stop our work.
-- " -- уступки
though, although, however (тем не менее, однако), whoever (кто бы ни), whatever (что бы ни), whichever (какой бы ни)
I enjoyed that day though it was cold, and it rained.

4) Students answer the following questions and make exercises:
1. Transform these sentences according to the models to practise the use of the complex sentences:
1. 1Model: I am glad to have told you about that.
I am glad that I have told you about that.
1. He is happy to have apologized to her. 2. He is glad to have seen this film. 3. He is sorry to have come late. 4. You are lucky to have watched this programme. 5. I am glad to have bought this tabloid.
1. 2Model: The article is too long to be read today.
As the article is too long, I cant read it today.
1. The text is too difficult to be translated without your help. 2. The fictional serial is too long to be watched up to the end. 3. The satellite broadcasting is too expensive to be subscribed to. 4. The advertisements are very annoying to be watched. 5. This newspaper is too expensive to be bought.
1. 3Model: They expect them to arrive tomorrow.
They expect that they will arrive tomorrow.
1. They believe this film to be very interesting. 2. We expect these ads to be very annoying. 3. They suppose Ann to become a famous actress. 4. We believe this material to be used in this article. 5. I want them to come to me.
1. 4Model: He is said to study here.
It is said that he s

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