Human health

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edicine? Not even sleeping pills?
Doctor:Not in your case. Come again in two weeks time. Well see if theres any improvement.
Mr Jones: All right. Thank you, doctor. Ill try to think positive.
Doctor:Thats it. Just relax.

What seems to be a problem? Что вас беспокоит?
keep (doing sth) делать что-л. постоянно
overworked переутомленный
exhausted переутомленный, истощенный
deep глубокий soon скоро
suggest (doing sth / sb should do sth) предлагать
a bit немного
my advice is мой совет
Im beginning to like it. Это начинает мне нравиться,
not even даже (не)
improvement улучшение
Thats it. Именно.
1. Students do exercises
Дополните диалог словами из списка.
Внимание! Flu -- неисчисляемое существительное, поэтому перед ним мы не ставим неопределенный артикль а.
cold, flu, healthy, headache, stay, problem, bad, remember, prescribe, advisible, weak
Doctor: What seems to be a ? (1)
Mike: Ive got a(2) I feel very(3)
Doctor: Have you got atoo? (4)
Mike: I have. And I feel(5)
Doctor: You have(6)
Mike: Do I have toin bed? (7)
Doctor: I guess so. I can (8) you a course of antibiotics
and some vitamins. Theyll make you stronger.
Mike: OK.
Doctor: One more thing. Its (9) to drink a lot of water.
Not only hot drinks.
Mike: Ill(10) this.
2 Исправьте ошибки.
We hasnt got time to visit this place.
She hasnt a brother.
Do you got to go now?
I dont got a cold.
Tom hadnt money to buy it then.
Why have you to do it yourself?
They havent to come to the office tomorrow.
Ive not got to learn French.
Does it got many parks?
Has it a swimming pool?

3) Grammar activities

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