Human health

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зуб / спина.
Иногда на место have встает get. Например: get a headache "получить" головную боль get headaches иметь регулярные головные боли.
Запомним также слово hurt / hurt болеть, поранить / повредить: Му leg hurts. У меня болит нога I hurt my arm. Я повредил (травмировал) руку.
Cut резать, обрезать:
I cut my finger. Я обрезал палец.
Нетипичные обороты:
I have a sore throat. У меня болит горло.
Im hoarse. Я охрип.
Ive caught a cold. Я простудился.
I have a sore knee. Я разбил колено.
I sprained / twisted my ankle. Я растянул / вывихнул лодыжку.
2. Read and translate the dialog.
Doctor:What seems to be the problem?
Mr Jones: I keep getting headaches. I take loads of pills every day but they dont help.
Doctor:I see. Is there anything else?
Mr Jones: Im quite fit, I dont even catch colds.
Doctor:Do you sleep well?
Mr Jones: Not always. I dont know what to do about it.
Doctor:Do you work a lot?
Mr Jones: I guess so.
Doctor:You may be overworked. When youre really exhausted you cant fall asleep. And when you do, your sleep isnt very deep. In the morning you still feel tired and nervous. And then the headache starts. Am I right?
Mr Jones: Yes. Can you help me? Is it serious? What should I do about it?
Doctor:Im afraid its a typical ailment. You may get over it soon. I suggest changing your lifestyle.
Mr Jones: It isnt easy.
Doctor:I know. I suggest you should try to go to sleep a bit earlier every day. It may help.
Mr Jones: I think I can do that.
Doctor:My advice is when you come back home, relax. Dont think about the next day. Do things you enjoy.
Mr Jones: Im beginning to like it. Sour arent going to prescribe me any m

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