Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard
Everyday classroom precautions. Use of Classroom rules
Planned timings
Planned activities
5 minutes
Teacher projects images of children, adults, old people from around the world and ask supporting questions: Are human beings living things? Why? Help learners list criteria: We breathe, eat, produce, grow, move, make, and have senses.
Learners guess the topic of the lesson.
The topic and LOs are presented.
25 minutes
Learners stand in circle and say a body word. Next learner points to the body part then says another body part. How many body parts can learners remember? Learners should know:
body, arm, leg, hand, foot, back, neck, shoulder, head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hair, back
Teacher distributes handoutsworksheet 1. (Teacher based assessment)
Learners classify words into three groups: head, body, for our senses e. g.
Our eyes, ears, mouths and noses are parts of our heads.
Teacher monitors, checks also makes notes how well learners can remember body words and how carefully then can spell the vocabulary on the worksheet. (Teacher based assessment)
Excellent 6 points (14-15 correct answers)
Very good 5 points (12-13 correct answers)
Good 4 points (10-11 correct answers)
Teacher divides leaners into pair and gives them a worksheet
They should joints move the arms, hands, legs and feet. Students should read the sentences and write T/F (Peer assessment
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