Highlights of sports

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e caber, weightlifting, throwing the hammer and dancing competitions and attract a lot of spectators from all over the world. The (3). . . games were organized at Braemar by Malcolm, King of Scotland in (4). . . 11th century. Now the Braemar Gatherings (5). . . very famous especially for their caber-tossing (6). . . . The Braemar Caber is 19 feet (7). . . and weighs 120 pounds. The Highland Games have been held (8). . . the 19th century. They are held at different (9). . . in the Highlands. They are very (10). . . .
1. A famous
2. A music
3. A last
4. A -
5. A are
6. A competitions
7. A long
8. A of
9. A villages
10. A popular
B traditional
B drama
B first
B an
B were
B games
B high
B in
B counties
B outstanding
C special
C plays
C previous
C the
C is
C sports
C wide
C since
C towns
C exciting

Teacher: Do you know the history of the Olympic Champions of our country? I will name some Russian sportsmen and you must tell us the kind of sport they are good at.
(Учитель называет имя спортсмена, детям нужно вспомнить, какой вид спорта представляет этот спортсмен)

1. Elena Berezhnaya, Anton Sikharulidze, Evgeni Plyushchenko - Figure-Skating
2. Vyacheslav Fetisov, Alexandr Ovechkin, Evgeni Malkin - Hockey
3. Gaidarbek Gaidarbekov, Nikolai Valuev - Boxing
4. Maria Sharapova - Tennis
5. Arsen Glstyan - Judo
6. Alia Mustaphina, Alina Kabaeva - Gymnastics
7. Elena Isinbaeva - Athletics
8. Ekaterina Gamova - Volleyball
9. Sergei Ignashevich, Alexandr Kerzhanov, Alexei Berezutski - football

Teacher: Do you agree with these statements? Is it true or false for you?

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