ome brittle and weak
oo Lemons, oranges and tomatoes have vitamin C
oo Is the sun vitamin
oo We get it in milk and eggs and sunlight on our skin
Eyes - глаза
To store - запасать
To supply - снабжать
Grains - зерновые культуры
Brittle - хрупкий
Sunlight - солнечный свет
Now tell us about vitamins and their main functions referring to the table.
IV. Work in groups and fill in the table. The information about vitamins is mixed up. (Учащиеся согласованно в группе заполняют таблицу, затем выходят к доске и защищают свой проект).
- Aids in prevention of certain cancers, cataracts, and heart disease
- improves the immune system
Sources are vegetable oil, mayonnaise, peants, whole grains, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes and yams.
- natural sources are raw carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash, spinach, and cantaloupe.
- Helps convert blood sugar to energy
- forms red blood cells
- Protects cells from damage caused by destructive oxygen molecules (free radicals)
- - plays an important function in blood clotting
- maintains healthy bones and aids in the healing of fractures
- Sources are leafy green vegetables, fruits, beets, potatoes, eggs, seeds, dairy products, meats
- includes hesperidin, citrin, rutin, quercetin, calechin, flavone, and flavonals
- protects the capellary lining which is made up of the tiniest blood vessels in the body
- maintains skeletal muscle
- Sources are pork, sunflower seeds, whole grains, beans, seafood.
- Aids in production of body energy
- It protects against cancer and anemia
- Sources are milk, yogurt, chicken, leafy green vegetables, fruit and almonds.
- Required for proper metabolism of carbohydr
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