английски будет- eye.
oo 6. Руку протянул мне friend
oo Кисть руки назвали- hand.
oo 7. Я люблю отличный бег
oo Ногу всю назвали- leg .
oo 8. Много боли, много бед,
oo А страдает моя-head.
oo T: Great, my dear. You know, Denis has prepared more poems for you. Try to guess them.
(Выступление ученика с загадками)
T: I see that you know all these words.
Denis, you have done it in a perfect way! Go on then!
T: Sometimes we can have health problems. Lets remember how to say it in English?
Look at the board. We knew that there are some illnesses with endings "ache". Can you remember them? What words will you add?
(Работа с карточками, болезнями)
At the last lesson we worked with two modal words. Tell me the differences between them, will you? When do we use them?
Look, I have a letter of our small friends. These animals have some health problems. Look at the photos. Help poor pets!
(Глядя на проблемы животных со слайда, уч-ся дают советы)
Today I invited small animals. They also have problems with the health. Listen to them and say what problem do they have?
(Выступление учащихся начальной школы)
T: Lets help them. What verb do we use it give advice? SHOULD!
(Дети рассказывают о проблемах, мы даем им советы)
T: Thank you for your help. And I think you should have a rest! be a leader today, please!
T: Today is a bad day. Not only animals, but kids are ill. Pupils come in. Tell us about your problems. Pupils, what can you advice to our mates?
T: And now you should consult a doctor. Lets remember how do we call doctors in English? Look at the board, match photo and the word.
Imagine, Masha and Ilya, that you will have h
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