й урок. Мы с вами планируем отправиться в Англию. Мы умеем многое. И сегодня предлагаю проверить как мы готовы к поездке.
Look at the blackboard. You can see these some English proverbs. They are connected with the theme of our lesson. Pronounce these sounds and proverbs after me.
p k d ei An apple a day keeps a doctor away.
θ w e Good health is above wealth.
з: r h θ Early to bed,
Early to rise -
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
T. : Read and translate these proverbs. Do we have the Russian equivalent? At the end of the lesson, youll choose the one that could be the title of our lesson.
Речевая зарядка.
T. : You must remember that our health depends on our lifestyle. We must follow daily routine, eat healthy food and go in for sport. Boys and girls, today we have a guest, a reporter from a famous TV programme "Health". She would like you to answer some of her questions about health and health habits. (Один из учащихся становится репортером)
How often do you brush your teeth?
Do you go to the swimming pool? How often?
How often do you wash your hands?
How often do you visit a dentist?
Do you like to visit doctors?
R. : Thank you very much. Dont forget to watch our programme.
Основная часть урока.
T: Now, children, you can see a man. You mast repeat all parts of his body. Lets begin with funny poems. Listen to me and guess the English word, please.
oo 1. Папа при любой погоде
oo закаляет своё - body.
oo 2. От плеча до кисти сам
oo Руку называю-arm.
oo 3. Красивое лицо у Джейс.
oo Лицо мы называем-face.
oo 4. Уши у слона большие
oo Ухо по английски - ear.
oo 5. Соринка в глаз попала-ай!
oo Глаз по
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