Have you ever seen the Rain

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The plan of the lesson
Group: 7"A".
The theme:Song "Have you ever seen the Rain?"
The aims of the lesson:students will be able to:
understand the usage of the Present Perfect and the Simple Past Tense.
develop listening skills by listening to the song.
get good personal qualities from the song.
The aids of the lesson: students book, active book, CD-ROM, teachers book, cards.
The type of the lesson: combinedlesson.
The methods of the lesson: work in groups, individual work.
I. Organization moment:
1. Greeting:
-Good morning, students.
-How are you?
-Im very glad to see you, take your seats.

2. Calling the register:
-Now tell me, please, who is on duty today?
-Who is absent today?
-What date is it today?
-What day of the week is it today?
-How do you like the weather today?
-Is it cold or warm? Is the sun shining? Is it rainy? Is it snowy?
-Thank you! Lets begin our lesson.

3. Warming up activity: Phonetic drillof the poem
T: Look at the blackboard and repeat after me then read it all together.
Hickory, Dickory, dock,
The mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory, Dickory, dock,

4. Checking home task:
T: What was your home task?
Ex. 1, 2. (p. 22)
Ex. 3, 5. (p. 23)

II. Following up activities:
1. Presentation:
The Present Perfect Tense
Өткен шақта орындалып, осы уақытқа дейін аяқталмаған немесе нәтижесі тек қазір белгілі болған, не айтылардың алдында ғана орындалған іс-әрекетті білдіреді. Ол ever, never, lately, already, yet, justүстеулерімен қолданылады. Have/has көмекші етістіктері мен етістіктің 3-ш

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