Животные Австралии

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high grass and eats grass too.

Echidna. Its body is covered with hair and sharp spines. Its tongue is sticky and long (35cm). It sleeps in winter. It can live up to 50 years.

Wombat. It eats grass and plants. It can grow up to 1m and is the biggest burrowing animal. It carries its baby in a pouch.

Koala. Its name means "drinks no water". Its a good swimmer and can run quickly. It lives in trees and can eat 1kg of eucalyptus leaves per day.

Dingo. It eats small animals, insects, lizards, reptiles. It doesnt bark like dogs but howl.

Emus. You can see small wings but it cant fly. It can run up to 50 km/hour. It gets angry easily. It eats grass, insects and plants.

Tasmanian devil. It screams horrible at night. It is very aggressive. It can weight up to 12 kg.

Crocodile. There are 50. 000 crocodiles in Australia now. It can hop up to 4m high. It eats big animals.

Names of animals
Where does it live?
What does it eat?
What size does it have?
What can it do?





Используемые ресурсы:
1. Учебник Ю. А. Комарова, И. В. Ларионова, К. Макбет "Английский язык", 6 класс.
2. http://lusana. ru/presentation/17856
3. https://yandex. ru/collections/user/v2542445/zhivotnye-avstralii/
4. https://givnost. ru/zhivotnye-avstralii-opisanie-nazvaniya-i-osobennosti-zhivotnyx-avstralii/
5. http://fb. ru/article/419037/vidyi-uud-po-fgos---tablitsa-klassifikatsiya-universalnyih-uchebnyih-deystviy
6. Федеральный государственный образовательный стандарт основного общег

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