Fruits and vegetables

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r the recording, then they repeat individually.
2. Writing
Children will write the new words on their copy books.
Pear - алмұрт
Apple - алма
Tomato - қызанақ
Onion - пияз
Carrot - сәбіз
Revise the numbers
3. explain singular and plural forms of the nouns
4. Individual works
children will match the numbers of the fruits
Physical training
Clap clap clap
Stamp stamp stamp
Hop hop hop
Run run run
Swim swim swim
Fly fly fly

Revise likes and dislike
Revise through the story time character Mr Mouse
Group work
Children will make a poster about like/dislike of MR Tortoise, MRS Parrot and MR Rabbit
Each team will do their own poster and represent
It on the board
Teacher will assess the children using flashcards of the fruits.




3 minutes

2 mins
Feedback (drawing smile)
Ask learners to rise a hand if they are able to:
Name 5 words of food correctly
Say a sentence correctly

Home task - learn the words ,

Additional information
Differentiation - struggling learners will be given more prompts to help them speak. More able learners will be encouraged to make their speaking more complex.

Assessment - by the teacher, self assessment may be done by the students as the teacher asks questions about what they have learnt when they draw and do crafting. Also the result of the flower will show which words they remember

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