on. You are right.
T:Who will be the next?Anna,you are welcome.
A: Ihave chosen the participant 3,Valeriya. I think, she is fond of films and as concerns her glasses she likes spending free time at the cinema.
T:Is it your definitive answer?(Yes)Valeriya,do you really go to the cinema all the time and never miss new films?(тишина)
V: Of course, I have different hobbies, but its cool to watch opening night at the cinema. Yes, Im keen on going to the cinema.
T: Our players are so smart. And we have the last participant and who will be the first and guess his hobby. Vadim wants.
V:I think he is a photographer.
T:Do you think its so easy to guess?Well,Aynur do you really like taking photos?
A: Well, I m good at taking photos, but most of all I like to go on a picnic with my friends and family. You are wrong!
T:Its a pity. No group deserves the prize. Dont worry,you are superstars. (Слайд 3)My dear students,now I want to know more about your free time activities. What do you prefer?Stand up please ,push your chairs and choose one corner ,which reveal your favorite activity. (cтруктура "Corners" по сингапуру-дети распределяются по углам).
III этап. Фронтальный опрос по теме " Хобби и свободное время"
T:Now, look at the blackboard,here you can see some constructions. You task is to prove your choice using them. (Слайд4)( отработка конструкций ):
oo Well, I really like / love . . .
oo Im keen on . . . because. . . .
oo Im fond of. . . .
oo -
oo Im not too keen on . . .
oo I much prefer (-ing form) to. . . because. . .
T: Karina, why have you chosen. . . . . ?(аргументируют ответы)
T:Thank you very much. Its high time to sum up our results(Слайд5)
oo Most stude
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