English within trilingualism

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Lesson plan:
English within trilingualism.
Unit 4. Buildings. Unit revision. School:I. Altynsarin Glubokoe Secondary School
Date:Teacher name: Kaziyeva A. N.
Grade: 3Number present: 12absent: -
Theme of the lesson: Unit revision 4. Buildings

Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to3. S1 make basic statements which provide personal information on a limited range of general topics
3 L6 understand some specific information and detail of short, supported information
3. W3 write short sentences to identify the location of different types of buildings
3. UE14 use prepositions :behind, between,next to, opposite, to to describe where people and things are

All learners will be able to:
use basic words and sentences
use the vocabulary with support.
Most learners will be able to:
do the tasks with minimum support.
know and use most of the words in their speech
Some learners will be able to:
make up and write sentences using basic words with no support about the buildings

Cross - curricular linksGeography
Previous learningAround the house 2

Planned timingsPlanned activities Resources
2-3 mins
2 mins
6 mins
5 mins
5 minsI.
-Good morning children!
- Good morning, teacher!
Сәлеметсіздер ме, балалар!
- Сәлеметсіз бе мұғалім!
- Sit down please! Отырыіңдар!
- How are you today?
I suggest you to start our lesson with training. Lets tell wishes to each other in English, Kazakh and Russian.
I wish you good luck!
I wish you good marks!
I wish you a nice day!
Мен саған сәттілік тілеймің!
Мен саған жақсы баға тілеймін!
Күндеріңізсəтті өтсін!
Желаю тебе удачи!
Желаю тебе хороших оц

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