English within trilingualism

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Удачного тебе дня!
And now look at the screen! There are some pictures. One picture is odd. Мұнда бір сурет артық. Tell me, please , which is odd? Қай сурет артық? Yes, right you are. Дұрыс!
- How do you think what is the theme of our lesson today?
- Сонымен қалай ойлайсыз,бүгінгі сабақтың тақырыбы қандай?
Yes,its true. Дұрыс! Do you know the word buildings in Kazakh. Дұрыс!»Ғимараттар!
Can you tell me what we are going to do?
(students answer)Today we have unusual lesson, we are going to travel to the stations . On each station there will be different tasks focused on revision of the vocabulary, prepositions of place and there is/there are construction. And there is a list of assessment on your desks. You will assess yourself during all the lesson and you will write the points you get for each task.
Қонақ үй)
Lets see the1st task. We know that we can meet different people from different countries. So, lets see how to talk to them.
Make up a dialogue and make a new friend(unscrambled sentences)
Peer assessment: using traffic light
8-8 points
6-7 points
0-5 points
Dialogue 1:
Hello! Whats your name?
Hello! My name is . And whats your name?
My name is.
How old are you?
I am 9. How old are you?
I am 8.
Nice to meet you.
Me too.
Dialogue 1:
Hello! How are you?
Hello! Im fine.
А в банке необходимо работать чётко и организованно. Now you will be in the role of supervisors.
Find a suitable equivalent for each word in Kazakh, English and Russian.
Self assessment: using traffic light
6-6 points
4-5 points
0-3 points
Қонақ үй
Әмбебап дүкені Мейрамхана

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