What is the most common?
What is the most expensive?
1. Работа с текстом "Newspapers in Britain" (Чтение с полным пониманием)
Children, lets look through the information of newspapers in Britain and say what the difference is between:
a) National and local newspapers
b) Daily and Sundy newspapers
c) Quality/serious newspapers and tabloids.
Учащиеся читают и переводят текст из упр. 34 стр. 70
Учитель обращает внимание на чтение и перевод слов to disapprove - не одобрять и except- за исключением.
1. Работа в парах. Обсуждение прочитанного текста. Work in pairs. Discuss one of the following problems. Make you suggestions. Share them with other students:
a) Why do some people disapprove of tabloids?
b) Why are there free newspapers? Do you have them in Russia, you city?
c) What kind of events do you think are important or not important?
2. Беседа о российских газетах.
- Well, friends, last time I asked you to bring newspapers that members of your family usually read. Have you bought any? OK. What are they? Show me, pleas!
(Учащиеся показывают, какие газеты они принесли по просьбе учителя).
Lets look and say what category of newspapers they are and why? Examples:
- My mother likes reading "Literaturnaya Gazeta". Its a weekly newspaper. Its published once a week on Wednesdays. Its large and has many different serious problems on literature and arts. I think its a central quality newspaper.
-My family receives a newspaper called "FACT" . It is published in our city three times a week. It is colourful and nice newspaper which has a lot of materials about different events that take place in our city: economical, cultural, political, educational and wh
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