ь секцiю з греко- римської боротьби та представляють Красногвардiйський район у змаганнях.
Обiйшовши Палац спорту справа, ви потрапите в Петрiвську сiльську бiблiотеку. У нашому класi з бiблiотекарями Петрiвськоiї сiльської бiблiотеки були проведенi години спiлкування «Свято рiдної мови», «Козацькі розваги».
Улюблене мiсце вiдпочинку для всiх мешканцiв - парк Перемоги. Його збудовано на честь 50-річчя перемоги над німецько-фашистськими загарбниками. Тут завжди затишно, чисто, багато квiтiв.
Ми любимо своє село!
2. Нью-Йорк (презентація)
Pupil 1:
– Hello, Ukrainians! Greetings from America! My name is Dima, I and my friends are students in New York City. I would like to tell you about the excursion we took into the city. We started the day on the world famous Museum Mile. Museum Mile is on 5th Avenue where many museums are located. First we went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which is sometimes called The Met. The Met is one of the largest museums in the world. They have art from ancient Greece and modern art too. There is also an ancient Egyptian temple which we were allowed to go into. It was scary! After that we went to the Guggenheim Museum. The Guggenheim has mostly modern art but my favourite part of the museum was the building itself! It was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and is famous New York landmark. (Слайд 1-5)
Pupil 2:
– Hi everyone! My name is Nastia. For our next stop we went to Central Park. First we ate lunch on the Great Lawn. There were many families there and people playing baseball. I could have stayed in Central Park all day. My favourite places were The Mall and Belvedere Castle. (Слайд 5-8)
Next we visited Rockefeller Center. Rockefeller Center is a group of buildings and places of interest in Centra
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