День святого Патрика

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re do you live, Mr. Wolf?
Grey wolf: I live here, in this wood.
Little red riding hood: Where do you sleep, Mr. Wolf?
Grey wolf: I sleep here in this wood!
Jazz chant group: He lives here, he sleeps here.
Little red riding hood: Are you a bad wolf or a good wolf, Mr. Wolf?
Grey wolf: Im very good, riding hood!
Jazz chant group: He is very, very bad, riding hood!
Grey wolf: Oh, my dear, stay here!
Little red riding hood: My granny is sick. Lets go to her home!
Grey wolf: Tell me, please, where is her home?
Jazz chant group: Your granny is sick. Be quick, be quick.
Little red riding hood: She lives over there. Do you like to go there?
Grey wolf: Yes, I do. Yes, I do.
Jazz chant group: Your granny is sick. Be quick, be quick.
Little red riding hood: I want to visit my Granny. And what about you?
Grey wolf: Oh, Im eager to visit your Granny too.
Jazz chant group: He is bad. He is really bad.
Grey wolf: I dont have time to talk. Lets walk! Lets walk!
Jazz chant group: Dont talk with him! Dont walk with him!
Красная шапочка берет Волка за лапу, отдает ему корзину. И они вместе уходят со сцены. Дети бегут следом за Волком и Красной шапочкой и предостерегают ее.
В1 – We hope it was interesting for you and you really enjoyed it.
В2 – Nowadays St Patricks day is celebrating not only in Ireland but in many countries in the world with colorful and merry parades.
В 3- Аs we see such holidays unite people of different nations, cultures, believes and make them friends.
-Be Irish on this day. Happy St Patricks day!

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