День святого Патрика

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nother one sprouted and then there were three.
Three green shamrocks, by the cottage door,
Another one sprouted and then there were映畯䘍畯牧敥桳浡潲正ⱳ渠慥敢桥癩䄍潮桴牥漠敮猠牰畯整湡桴湥琠敨敲眠牥楦敶മ楆敶氠瑩汴桳浡潲正ⱳ戠楲桧湡浥牥污牧敥Ɱ名楨歮漠污桴畬正琠敨敳猠慨牭捯獫眠汩牢湩
На трилистниках слово lucky
В2- One more symbol of this day is leprechaun
The leprechaun is an elf from Irish fairy tales. He has pointed ears, turned up toes and little green coat. He is lazy, cunning, greedy. The leprechaun has a pot of gold well hidden at the end of the rainbow.
(песенка о лепреконе)
Танец Гномы
В2 – leprechauns are really friendly and nice elves, but if you bully them they become monsters
В 3 – so dont forget to give them a glass of milk, and they may show you their treasure.
B1 –do you know that Ireland is famous for its dancing. The most popular is jig
B2 – Irish dancing is an ancient tradition that managed to survive over time.
B3 - When the Celts came to Ireland from central Europe 2000 years ago, they brought with them their folk dances.
B1 – at the end of 19th century Irish people started their holidays and parties with jig or ceili. And after that it became a tradition.
St. Patricks Day is here, you see.
Well pick some shamrocks, one, two, three.
Well count the leaves and look them over,
And maybe find a four-leafed clover.
Ill sew green buttons on my vest,
Green for St. Patrick is the best.
Ill wear a green hat, very high,
And dance a jig--at least Ill try
В 2 – we invite you to see one of dances that called Irish Jig
В 3 – now we want you to learn some movements of this dance
Маленький мастер класс. Stand up please and try.
B 1- thank you very much so we think that now you can be the first on the disco

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