The United states of America
New Zealand
The full name of the country is Canada. It has no short name. The capital is Ottawa. There are two official languages in the country: English and French.
The full name of the country is Australia. It has no short name. The capital is Canberra. The official language is English.
The full name of the country is the United States of America. Its short names are the USA or the US. The capital is Washington. The official language is English.
The full name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The short names are the United Kingdom, the UK, Great Britain. The capital is London. The official language is English.
The full name of the country is New Zealand. The country has no short name. The capital is Wellington. The official languages are English and Maori.
Приложение 4
Write if the information is true or false.
1. The capital of the United States is New York.
2. Nobody in America can understand people who speak British English.
3. There are lots of people in the United States who can speak Spanish.
4. The capital of Canada is Ottawa.
5. Canada is famous for its deserts.
6. There are two official languages in Canada – English and Spanish.
7. The official emblem of Canada is the star.
8. The school year in New Zealand starts in February.
9. The USA is an island state.
10. In Britain a tourist can meet only British people.
11. The English language includes a lot of words from many other languages.
12. Australia occupies the whole continent.
13. The capital of Australia is Canberra.
Приложение 8
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