Чудеса света

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I Орг. момент.
T - Hello, dear pupils. Today we have lesson on the topic Wonders of the World. The planet we live on is full of wonders. Unfortunately, some of ancient wonders havent been preserved and only their fragments have been left. But in 2001 new 7 wonders have been chosen. We are going to enrich our knowledge on this topic at the lesson.
So, the aims of our lesson are:
II Активизация употребления изученной лексики в речи.
T – Look at the screen and give English equivalents helping to express your emotions.
T – Good work.
T – Now, please, name as many synonyms as you can.
T – How clever you are!
T – And what about antonyms? Can you name them?
III Контроль навыков изученной лексики в речи.
T – Look at the pictures and express your admiration or disappointment using the praise adjectives.
IV Активизация изученного материала по микротеме The Ancient Wonders
T – Look at the pictures and label ancient wonders using the names from the list.
V Развитие грамматических навыков.
Развитие навыков употребление страдательных конструкций.
T – Read the small text and change the underlined verbs into passive.
Ex. 2, p. 70 (Rising Star, A Pre-First Certificate Course by Luke Prodromou)
Развитие навыков исправления ошибок.
T – Read the story about Pyramids, look carefully at each line. If a line has a mistake, correct it.
Ex. 5,6, p. 71 (Rising Star, A Pre-First Certificate Course by Luke Prodromou)
VI Контроль навыков монологической речи по микротеме
T – Please, imagine one of the 7 wonders of the world could have been saved from destruction. Which one you choose to save and why? Use 5-7 sentences.
VII Контроль навыков изученного материала
T – Look a

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